I have given my blood to the land many, many times. The land has given to me abundantly, but it has taken from me as well. So many times I have cut myself while working on the farm, the blood falling from my cut hand onto the soft earth of the garden. It happens so often that I always keep bandaids handy in my wallet. This time was different. This time I gave it on purpose, shedding drops on the Earth along with a prayer and a pledge to the powers of the Earth, and the land itself, to place myself at their service. I pledge I don’t take lightly.
At midnight, on the night before Halloween, while everyone in my house was asleep, I walked down the hill from my house to a large oak tree where I often leave offerings. This tree, in my personal practice, is the living image of the world tree, uniting the celestial realm with the Earth and the underworld. There is a small cleared area near the base, where I set my ritual kit. The kit consisted of a collection of tokens symbolically representing the powers of the four quarters, my staff, some tobacco, wine, and bread for offerings, a change of clothes to put on after I finished, divesting myself of my old self as I divested myself of my old clothes. It was a self initiation into a new life, a new mode of being as a spiritual caretaker of the land and the formal acknowledgement of my relationship with those powers.
In my private ceremony, by the flickering light of a small candle lantern and amidst the rising smoke of the fragrant herbs I brought, I invoked the spirits of the land, the gods and powers of nature. As if in answer, the leaves of the tree above me were suddenly filled with the rushing noise of the wind in the branches. I welcomed the spirits and proceeded with the rite. I promised friendship and protection to the spirits, animals and plants of the land, and asked for their friendship and protection in return.
With a sharp knife I cut my left thumb and let a few drops fall to the ground, carrying my life essence into the land, sealing my pledge. I poured out my libation and left my offerings at the base of the great oak tree. I undressed there in the dark woods and put on new clothes, symbolizing my transformation. I walked around the circle clockwise and leapt out, beginning my new life. I felt different indeed, renewed, with fresh vigor and determination to forge my own path and practice, honoring and being in relationship with the land and the gods.
And then a few days later, the Election happened. A day in which, while the whole world watched, my countrymen and women(!) elected a tyrant to govern our nation. And my pledge suddenly had more meaning, faced with the imminent threat to the environment posed by said tyrant. Not to mention the threat he poses to human rights and the well being of many already marginalized people. And I realized that my pledge doesn’t go far enough. It’s not enough to just hide out on my farm, protecting only this land and its inhabitants. Many of my friends and family are no longer safe, yet again, after four years of detente, the specter of bigotry and oppression again confronts my human brothers and sisters, those who belong to the many marginalized communities in the crosshairs.
So here I add to my pledge: I offer my friendship and support to people of color, indigenous people, women, immigrants, and LGTBQ family, friends, and neighbors wherever you may be. I will not be quiet and I will help you in any way I can. We cannot stand by and let anyone take away progress that has been hard won with blood and tears.
I have avoided politics previously in this forum, preferring to address the problem of disenchantment and alienation from the sacred natural world which is at the root of many of our social and environmental problems. But along with being alienated from our holy Mother Earth, we are also alienated from the divine spark which dwells hidden in the heart of every one of us, our common humanity, and which deserves to be honored and loved regardless of nationality, race, creed, gender, or sexuality.
It is as though this whole ordeal is a massive collective initiation ritual in which we are being given the opportunity to show what we are worth as human beings. Many have chosen bigotry and tribalism. They are not ready. They may have won the day, but life is short and time is fleeting, this victory will pass and those who are up will one day be down. One day soon we will all be dust. Faith assures me that those who harm the vulnerable and those who perpetuate bigotry and hatred will reap the punishment of living out their evil karma over the course of many lives. As we are now living out the evil karma of past generations. It is no consolation, honestly. It is sad. Oddly enough, we must have compassion, a fierce warrior compassion for them too, and hope and pray that they will one day wake up. It is also all the more reason to work bravely for peace and freedom.
The Stoic philosopher Epictetus tells us that tyrants can only chain our bodies, but our souls are by nature free. We cannot, then, allow this tyrant to take up residence in our hearts, controlling us with fear. Our souls are free and unsullied by the tyrant’s power, our minds and hearts are weighed down by his poisonous words only if we allow them to take root there. Blessed be and stay strong.
Love , Todd
♥️🌞♥️ Pluto is leaving Capricorn once and for all in just another few short days. He will make his home for many years in Aquarius, empowering collective will. May this Will that he empowers be the one all humans share, whether they know it or not. It is Love. Love is the Law, May he bring with him the strength to know the good in the heart of those who “know not what they do.” May a reckoning be kind and occur in the heart and not in the streets. We are so much better than how we appear today, angry, afraid, and intimidated. There is hope in seeing how much we can lose when guided by animal impulse. We are meant for greater things. Thank you, Todd. The good work of loving is upon us. Lear’s rise to its urgent demand.
Thank you for speaking out to how we are all feeling. Allowing oneself to grieve, then stand up and fight!